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Prosperity and Abundance online course

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to be extremely ‘wealthy’ and prosperous when others, despite working very hard and putting in so much effort, never seem to feel they have enough?

What causes the difference between these two groups of people? 

Is it luck or being born with a silver spoon in your mouth? 


  • Do you constantly worry or think about money?

  • Do you believe there is never enough?

  • Do you believe how much you have defines who you are?

  • Do you believe money brings you everything you want?

  • Do you love money or is it the enemy?


The truth is, having more money isn’t enough. It’s more about learning to enjoy and appreciate what we have, which helps to attract more. 

And prosperity isn’t defined by money alone. Prosperity includes time, love, success, joy, comfort, beauty, and wisdom. 

For example, if you feel rushed and stressed and there’s never enough time, you may feel time poor. Yet, if you feel you have all the time you need to finish anything you need to do, then you are time rich. 

“You can never create prosperity by talking or thinking about your lack of money. This is wasted thinking and cannot bring you abundance. Dwelling on lack only creates more lack. Poverty thinking brings more poverty. Gratitude thinking brings abundance.” (Louise Hay)

As you become aware of the beliefs that may be blocking the flow of prosperity in your life, you can change those beliefs and begin to create a new, abundant way of thinking.

This course includes:

  • Exploring your patterns and experiences of Prosperity

  • Louise Hay video on Prosperity

  • Do you engage in 'scarcity' thinking or have an 'abundance' mindset?

  • Creating powerful Prosperity affirmations

  • Creating possibilities - a Treasure Map

Sign up now

Work through this course at your own pace.


You will have access to this course for 3 months. 

Why only 3 months, you ask?

Research has shown the completion rates on lifetime access programs is close to 0%.  The point of power is always in the present moment, so start your journey to self-love today and make a commitment to experience a richly rewarding and abundant life today.


You will, however, be able to print and save all your coursework from the learning portal for future reference.

Once you sign up, your log-in details will be sent to you within 24 hours. 

Your investment is just £47

Prosperity Online Course

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